With Icecast, you can enjoy your music everywhere and share it with family and friends with popular streaming apps available for Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, and many more. Icecast is designed to handle large music collections and is optimized for MP3 streaming. It works with any media format that can be streamed over HTTP / HTTPS, including AAC, OGG, WMA, FLAC, APE, and more. For more about Icecast, please check out its homepage. When you’re ready, follow the steps below:

Install Icecast

Icecast comes with support for Ubuntu out of the box. Simply run the apt-get command on Ubuntu to install Icecast packages easily with little to no configuration. To install Icecast on Ubuntu, run the commands below: During the installation, you’ll be prompted to install automatically with its default configurations. choose Yes and continue. Specify the server hostname name and continue. After that, type in the user and super admin password to access the backend. Once Icecast is installed, you can run the commands below to start and enable Icecast service to always start up when the server boots up. To check the service status, run the commands below You should see similar lines below: Finally, open your browser and browse to the server name or IP address followed by port 8000 You should see the Icecast default page. If you want to configure Icecast, open its configuration file by running the commands below: Then make your changes and save. For example, to change the default port, update the highlighted port and save. The default username is admin. and the password is what you type when installing Icecast. By default, the Icecast process is run as the root user. To improve security it is strongly advised that you run it as a dedicated user with less powerful privileges. You can specify this user by setting the change owner in the security section of the configuration file /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml. Once Icecast Server is correct, use any of the compatible Icecast Clients or source clients to transmit audio to Icecast Server and all the listeners. A list of compatible clients can be found here. For more about setting up Icecast, visit its documentation page. Enjoy!